Tami Vaughan

3rd - 5th Grade Teacher

My name is Tami Vaughan and this is my eleventh year in the classroom. My teaching experience began in Texas where I received my Bachelors degree in Interdisciplinary Studies. All ten years of teaching were in Texas. I taught kindergarten, third, and fourth grade. I joined Simplistic Solutions in March of 2021 and I truly enjoy it. I absolutely LOVE getting to push my students in their thinking and encouraging them to take new risks with their learning while going above and beyond the expectations in place. My goal is to find my students' strengths/passions and to challenge him or her in those areas, while building his or her confidence and opening his or her mind about the areas of school that may be a struggle or may not have much of an appeal! I am huge on building relationships with my students and families. It's one of the best parts! Aside from teaching, I also have an abundant amount of passion for crafting and organizing. I absolutely adore spending time with my family; I have two kiddos - Kylee and Brooks! You can typically find us at a soccer field, baseball field, or a basketball court.